Has the best quality and the most suitable price

About us

Hallalpooyan company with the aim of producing linear esters by prospering specialized and very well experienced personnel has


research and development of the halal pouyan arak chemical companies operating in organizing and expand research activities and…


Produce chemical product


hallal pooyan

Engineering Unit

design and engineering unit of the company with highly qualified specialists, and to use authentic software design, in addition to providing services design and engineering and technical knowledge inside the complex , will be able to design and detailed base in other chemical units . Experts in their designs , different software engineering process, and mechanical engineering design and make use of their in terms of technical documents QFD PID , PROCESS SHEET DATA , MECHANICAL SHEET DATA , and … . wessel design of all the heat exchangers equipment and internal تاورها also simulate the complex processes and hard by experts , the unit .

Laboratory Unit

quality control laboratory chemical company halal pouyan Arak in accordance with the policy of massive strategies that customer focus , trying to choose consumption of raw materials , benefiting from the widest and technical knowledge to closely monitor the quality of products, always their products in accordance with international standards and customer satisfaction in terms of quality , rated their

Research and development

research and development of the halal pouyan arak chemical companies operating in organizing and expand research activities and play an important role in the challenges and the needs of the company.The centre , the main founders definition passed and managing the implementation of the company ‘s research activities


Notification of Health Reports to the Health Care Network


Observance of all safety standards in the design of the production site, reservoirs, loading and delivery of personal injury to all personnel, in accordance with the approvals of the Technical and Occupational Protection Committee

crisis management

Halal Pouyan Arak Chemical Industries Co. considers the cost of equipment and facilities, safety and fire, environment and health investment in protecting and protecting human resources, the environment and financial resources, and believes that development along with prospecting is possible.

Hallalpooyan company

Hallalpooyan company with the aim of producing linear esters by prospering specialized and very well experienced personnel has established and put into operation in line in 1997. The company is situated near Arak petrochemical complex. At present by possessing superior technical knowledge, quality control labs and modern production system with annually capacity of 24000 tones is able to produce and answer special orders in and out of the country according to international standards and provide Industrialists especially paint industry

To help entrepreneurs
Talk to investors before them

